Corporate Compliance Programs

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Custom Corporate Compliance Programs

The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) requires that all healthcare organizations and medical practices create, implement, and maintain a site-specific compliance program. Our program includes a complete review of all aspects of your practice. We will create your site-specific written policies and procedures. We will also develop your online staff training, education and awareness program.

Our services can also include coding and chart audits with written reports and training based on our findings. An added benefit is that, in addition to ensuring that your practice is compliant, our billing and coding chart reviews often uncover under-coding and un-captured revenue.

Our goal is to see your organization develop the compassion and sensitivity required to value each member of your team. At MedSafe we understand that the worth of each individual is immeasurable. We know people do their best work when they feel valued and respected. As a result, we strive to train management and employees on how to foster an environment of tolerance and acceptance.

We appreciate everyone who joins us in the effort to make the healthcare industry more accommodating and rewarding. Medsafe’s commitment to quality care starts with the well-being of the practitioners and staff of the many medical facilities with which we associate. Thank you for being part of the solution.

Click below if you are interested in our Corporate Compliance Program.

“MedSafe’s Compliance Consultant was exceptional – vibrant, clear, enthusiastic and to the point. We gained quite a lot of knowledge. We are very happy with this service and hope to have this consultant next year.“

~ Christine Holland Merrill, Office Manager, Andover Obstetrics-Gynecology, Andover, MA